Amazon Fire Stick Photos Screensaver


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Set your Fire TV or Fire TV Stick screensaver. From your Amazon Photos mobile app, tap the “More” tab. Tap “Personalize Echo Show & Fire TV” Tap the Fire TV that you want to personalize; Enable Daily Memories or tap ‘Add More Collections’ to select one of your existing collections as your screensaver. Or, from your Fire TV. Disabling screensaver mode comes with many benefits, such as disabling sleep mode on your Amazon device. Most importantly, disabling y our screensaver will stop interruptions while you are streaming. To learn more, please follow the steps below. Open your Amazon app and go to settings. In settings, select 'Display and Sounds'. Immediately, screensaver should appear as the first option. It is very easy to install on any device including Amazon Fire TV Stick. Also, it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you don’t like their service, you can always ask for a refund. IPVanish also runs a limited time offer where you can save 74% on your VPN and they allow you to use one account on unlimited devices. Customize your Fire TV screensaver with your personal photos in the Amazon Photos app. See all your photos and personal videos on your Fire TV, Echo Show, tablet, phone or computer. Voice commands are now enabled, such as, “Show my photos”, “Play a slideshow” and “Show my photos from last year”. While the Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick allow you to select from never, 5, 10, or 15 minutes for the screensaver timer, there is nowhere in the device’s settings to change the sleep timer. That’s set to 20 minutes regardless of how the screensaver is configured.

The company is currently testing using the screensaver to showcase the latest and most popular programming available without running ads

The very first screensavers were designed to protect computer monitors from having the same image displayed for so long that it burned a permanent ghost image on the Cathode Ray Tube. What began as a functional solution quickly became a fun way to express your creativity.

If you own the easy to use Amazon Fire TV, leaving the menu screen idle for too long still launches a screensaver. The Fire TV automatically launches a series of scenic photos which is admittedly more attractive than staring at a static menu.

Display your photos instead

As a Prime member, you’re eligible for free, unlimited cloud storage service for your photos. You can upload your favorites through the Amazon Photos app or turn on automated uploads for every photo on your phone as a backup. Either way, you can create albums, and sort them using the intuitive app or browser interface.

Once you’ve uploaded photos to Prime, you can see all of your special memories or favorite works of art using the Prime Photos app on your Fire TV. Or, enjoy a large screen view of your favorite photos on your Amazon Fire TV by setting your screensaver to display your album instead of the default.


Set your screensaver to use your photos instead of the stock images with these steps.

  1. Turn on your Amazon Fire TV
  2. Select Menu
  3. Navigate to Settings>Display & Sounds>Screen Saver
  4. Click on Amazon Collection
  5. Select a new collection or folder of images on Prime Photos

You can also change the way the pictures move on the screen, the speed at which they refresh, and how much time passes before the screensaver kicks in.

Upcoming additions to the screensaver options

Amazon is always on the lookout for better ways to get new content to the top of your Watch List. The company is currently testing using the screensaver to showcase the latest and most popular programming available without running ads or disrupting your viewing experience. The newly repurposed screensaver makes it easier for customers to discover great new movies, TV shows, and live events from Prime Video, IMDb TV, Pluto TV, History, Hallmark, YouTube, and more.

Add Photos To Amazon Fire Stick Screensaver

Are you part of the limited rollout of the new feature? Let us know what you think!

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Amazon Fire Stick Photo Screensaver

Amazon fire stick screensaver photos locations